Monday, December 29, 2008

Blood Promise- Vampire Academy Book #4

Hi my name is Sophie and I'm obsessed with the vampire academy series!
if you haven't read shadow kiss yet and don't want me to spoil it then don't read the following:
i was very upset when Dimitri became Strigoi in the last book shadow kiss, i was soooo upset i cried my heart out! my mum thought i was weird and said i needed to see a psychiatrist (as a joke)! I usually get emotional when stuff like that happens, like when mason died!
Any way i really wanted to find out what happens in the next book so i searched everywhere on Richelle's website and book review websites but nothing came up not even the name! By the time i read the series a second time and checked the website there was finally a name....Blood Promise!!!
Me and my friend Donna talked hours on the phone each day working out some theories and when i found the name i called her again to tell her and we started again making theories!
i checked again for reviews but still nothing so i thought i should make a blog for Blood Promise theories. i can share mine and you can come up with yours and blog/comment back, maybe we will even guess the correct one!
So here are some things that Donna and I came up with (beware more spoilers from shadow kiss):
  • the blonde vampire knew rose! he also knew her relaionship with dimitri!? Richelle made that really obvious when dimitri got captured by him, when he bit dimitri the blonde looked at rose first! then rose screamed after that.
  • rose set off to kill dimitri! she knew where he would be... we think its siberia. Dimitri and Rose talk about it all threw the first 3 books. in the third when Dimitri talks about it he sounds like he really misses it and his family that would support him threw ANYTHING!
  • rose's future said she killed the undead! this could relate to all the strigoi she killed in the war at st. vladimirs but as much as i don't want it to be true it could also mean she kills dimitri!
  • according to mason Dimitri is undead (strigoi), ofcourse mason would know since he is dead but mason might be protecting rose! if that blonde vampire knew about her and dimitri's love for each other he could want to swap him for vasilisa (lissa). but thats just a posibility, not one of our main predictions.
  • so... rose sets out to siberia to find dimitri, i'm pretty sure if dimitri would go back to his family it might be his grandma!
  • if dimitri really does go back to his family it shows he still has a sense of good in him so maybe he might still love rose! Men being men dimitri will tell her he's dangerous and to stay away from him or he might go straight back to loving him.
  • if she kills dimitri she might go back to st. vladimirs to seek comfort in lissa and adrian, maybe even fall inlove with adrian. if that should happen rose will be lissa's guardian and eddie will be christian's. or lissa might get both either way i think eddie will be guarding with them.
  • if lissa doesn't go back to the academy that might be because either dimitri is with her (strigoi can't go on campus) or rose might be too depressed.
  • adrian might follow rose after a while (he could track down where she goes using the card he gave her) and might go and find her. this could be before or after she finds dimitri. if she ends up killing him lissa might show up with adrian and heal him.
  • if dimitri ends up dieing or missing, whatever, if he ends up out of the story, rose will be with adrian, eddie, christian and lissa, when they graduate they will go to the royal court. rose might see the fortune teller and she might mention dimitri comes back (if he was missing in the first place). rose might even go there to find out where he is.
  • if dimitri survives rose might go o the academy to say she's alright, she will tell them what happened and if lissa accepts it they will all become a big happy family that lives out of the protction of wards. in doing that lissa will have to reject the offer to stay at the royal court, and adrian might drop out of the story.
  • if lissa doesn't forgive rose or if rose convinces lissa to stay at the royal court then rose and dimitri will live by themselves. if dimitri is still strigoi then he can protect them from other strigoi, and rose's extra sense will also help them.
  • the fith book might entitle some action from the royal court, maybe they leave it or go to it. if dimitri's strigoi the queen might order him to be killed and rose punished.

there are lots of things that could happen and lots of things are popping up in my head every second. just now i thought maybe dimitri nearly kills rose, and adrian shows up just in time to heal her as best he can. since rose can't sense adrian or eddie or christian, any of them could form a group to find her, they have the resources, (the credit card, compulsion, fire(for strigoi, dimitri), kick ass guardian, eddie) these weapons could defeat what hurt rose (dimitri or blonde strigoi).

another thing, what do you think is up with the blonde strigoi? he's really odd, he knows rose probably from the academy, he wants to kill lissa, he took dimitri, he knew rose loved him! i wonder how? i think all of this will be in the next book, the blonde had a mysterious part in book 4, he can't just disapear, he has to be in this next book or the fith! it might be a battle between him and dimitri!

what do you think? please share your theories, i would love to consider more.


  1. omg i really agree with you in the theory in wich u said that maybe demitri almost kills rose and adrian comes to the recue!...but i hope not cuz i REALLLY REALL YREALLY REALLY REALLY want demitri and rose together!!! i mean they finally admit that they love eachother and then he DIES???!!! wth?? omg i got soooo emotional too! i felt like these were real characters and so i cried i'll mom thinks im crazy too lol.....please if you have any more theories i'd love to hear them! email me @
    im not imaginative enough to come up with my own theories but i do like to discuss the book! thanks :)

  2. Omg!! i thought i was the only who felt that way! i felt so sad when he died, i felt like my heart shattered. i cant believe he could be dead or a Strigoi. especially after they finally said they would try to make their relationship work.

    i dont really have any theories. she is ready to kill the love of her life because that is what he wanted if he ever became a Strigoi. it has to be devastating for her to do such thing. but maybe he can retain some of his humanity and once he sees rose, he will realize that all that love is still there. the fact that she is so close to the world of the undead might play an important role in the upcoming book. her fortune indicated that she will kill the undead, but it could also mean that she killed all those Strigois on campus and she will keep doing such, that is her purpose in life. i dont really know how much more she can do with being able to sense the dead.

    she seems very determined to find him, probably because she is expecting to kill him, but we dont know what could happen then. the blonde Strigoi could use Dimitri as bribe to get to Lissa and she would have to choose who she wants to save, him or her? another thing, i probably missed it or maybe it was never said but once the Dhampir or a Moroi is killed and becomes a Strigoi, where does the soul go? if she can retrive his soul through her connection to the world of the undead, maybe she can kill him, Lissa bring him back to life. but she would have to get his first. i dont know, im rambling, and seriously hoping for a miracle to save him and their love!

    i dont really like her and Adrian to end up together, i mean he is cool and seems to have a sexy/mysterious personality but he isnt Dimitri and thats who Rose wants. she is completely in love with him! and i think as a reader i have totally fallen in love with their relationship and her ending up with someone else doesnt feel right. is the same way when she was considering mason, it didnt feel right to me. he was loving and caring of her but again no comparison to Dimitri. there has to be a way to get them back together. because if Dimitri ends up being a bad guy and killed off, i will cry more than i've had already! and it wouldnt be fun!

    otherwise, i love the series. been hooked on it since the first page i read, i read them in 3 days! i might not have much to say as far as theories for Blood Promise, but i love to talk about the book and figure out what could happen. none of my friends have read it yet and i feel so alone on this! lol

    all in all...Dimitri needs to come back and this story better have a happy

  3. I was actually reading Shadow Kissed in class and i threw it off the desk and kicked it. I got a funny look from my science teach. Rose loses her virginity to him and loses him the same night! I did cry, at home though :) and i hope that they find some way for Dimitri to come back from being a Strigoi or he is stong with a passion for Rose. I DONT WANT ROSE TO BECOME A STRIGOI!!!

  4. I like the idea of Lissa saving Dimitri. She hasn't been very kick-ass in the last books. If Mia can save the day than surely Lissa can..she owes it to Rose. I think Adrien will play a major role in helping Lissa find Rose. Dream walking would be more cool than using a bank card as a tracking device. And I think that the tunnels under the mall holds a clue to the blond guy(could he be the master mind?)Remember the hit list on the wall? But I'm still not sure how he knew Rose or guessed the Roza & Dimka thing or why he hates royals so much. I grieved over Dimitri like he was a real person. I hope he & Rose stay together. Rose needs someone who understands her to vent all the dark sh*t to, and if Adrien can't find someone to help him get over her than maybe having Dimitri as a guardian will keep him stay close.

  5. Okay what about this theory... I think Dimitri can be healed too, but not by a spirit user. Spirit users seem to be limited to physical wounds, like when Lissa tried to fix Rose's madness on the plane. Being Strigoi I think, is more of a mind soul problem, which is why they have super dark auras. Now, who in the book do we know that can sense Strigoi, take away the darkness from an aura? Rose. She took the darkness from Lissa right? And I remember this one scene when Rose is looking for Dimitri and finds him in the chapel, and she says he seemed to glow in her eyes, the way Lissa did. Foreshadowing? And her fortune didn't say she would KILL what was undead, but rather DESTROY what was undead...

  6. wow, that's a really good theory. I never thought of Rose's powers working on anyone other than Lissa, but when has she ever tried?

  7. wow....all the theories here are really good! But i got coment for the last one..
    Well,we all know how bond between Lissa and Rose works and the theory of mimgirl it'd be perfect if the Strigoi was Lissa,not Dimitri..I mean.. They have not got shadow kissed bond /Dimitri and Rose/ and there's no way that Rose could heal him..But damn...i wanna believe in that they'd be together..

  8. I don't think her powers are limited to Lissa. If they were, she wouldn't be able to see ghosts or sense Strigoi. And in the first book, Victor says she has super sensitivity to extrasensory forces, Lissa ESPECIALLY, not only. Before she made her kills, her powers were limited, which was why she was limited to only sensing Lissa. Of course she would have a special bond with Lissa,both because she is a spirit user and because she brought her back, but her powers have grown.

  9. Hm...if you look it in that way...yeah,it'd be..
    And I'll be so happy /as all fans/ if you're right.. But,you know...I think that there isn't gonna be a happy end and that sucks!

    Btw,I expect that Dimitri'll die by Rose's hands..and it's stupid...but that's my opinion..

  10. And if I or Team Lissa Healing Dimitri are wrong, I will seriously be crying the entire book...

  11. Yeah,we all gonna cry if that happens...
    But,there might be some way that Rose'd save him in diffrent way than killing the man she loves... At least I hope so...

  12. Hey! They released the summary!

  13. And i think things might work out somehow... Because of the Tarot reading. She was right about him losing his soul, what about the other part? "The wheel is turning" I know a bit about tarot, and the wheel means change, of course. but also oppurtunities thart come with it. That it will bring something positive.

  14. I think that Rose finds Dimitri and maybe just maybe, Lissa and Adrain could somehow put there powers together and save Dimitri and turn him back into a Dhampir...thats my prediction!!!

  15. i just think that the title blood promise means rose will go and kill dimitri becuz they both agreed they would rather be dead then strigoi that kills. another is that i think mason might've lied or something to rose about dimitri idk.
    another is maybe the strigoi pretended to turn him and use him as bait to get rose or they thought lissa would come with her. idk those are just my ideas

  16. hey i have a theory too... i think it's possible that rose finds dimitri, he still has feelings for her so he struggles a bit to keep from killing her and she brings him back t lissa and rose asks lissa to Bring him back to "life" if she can do that to dying creatures then she could do it to dimitri... that's my theory... and i think they should do movies on this series, the HoN series, and blue bloods series.. and mercy thompson novels too...
