Saturday, November 14, 2009

House of Night--Tempted

Hey Blood Promise was a great read, and Dimitri was just excelent, i believe Richelle handled that part very well, but what i'm bloggin about right now is this....
I was reading Tempted by P.C Cast, since i love all the other books, Cast is such a fab writer, but in the middle of the book, chapter 30 to be exact, i felt sorry for Kalona and hoped maybe Zoey would end up with him since A-ya was a part of her. I honestly wouldn't mind is this happened. So i looked it up on the Internet to see if they ended up behind together since i couldn't be bothered going to the end of the PDF document (e-book).i was soooo disappointed when i saw on this spoiler page that heath dies!!!!i just went emotionless, just sat, staring at the computer. it wasn't like how Dimitri became strigoi in vampire academy, because at least he had a chance, but heath's neck got snapped by Kalona and Zoey was too late to stop him.
I went to the end of my pdf to see if Zoey was okay in the end, but it just got worse. Zoey was so heart-stricken she turned into an empty shell, just staring off to space.oh, if you think that was bad, it doesn't stop there!for the last actual chapter of the book (not the epilogue) Stark, whom i love so much, is describing how she looks and mentions that all her tattoos have gone away, leaving her with only a crescent moon that is not filled in.
No more 'special' Zoey, no more sweet Heath, so what happens now?
the eighth book "Burned" comes out May 2010, but I'm not sure if i really want to read it now. i guess I'll read the sneak peek or the description first.i really just don't like the fact that Nyx removed all her tattoos, was it because in the epilogue she was up in the 'otherworld' with Heath, therefore her spirit wasn't with her body and neither was her tattoos since her strongest affinity was to spirit?
i sure hope so 'cause if she goes back to regular i'm not sure if i want to read it. it jumps around too much, one boyfriend, two boyfriends, three boyfriends, two boyfriends, then finally one boyfriend, now Nxy took back her tattoos? does she still even have her affinities?
i really hope the next book doesn't disappoint.the thing is though, i haven't even finished the book, heath obviously hasn't died yet, which makes it even sadder to watch him being so sweet and showing so much love for you think i should keep reading it?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Latest goss :)

I haven't written in a while but I haven't really had much to say. Now i do! There's not much about Blood Promise just that it's finished which i think i already mentioned and the title and description (blurb) HAS to be coming out soon. The editor approved the book which means Richelle can start on the blurb, which will only take a little while since the story is fine. Richelle hasn't mentioned making a choice on the name of her character aka "Emily" but she said that she's in the final rounds of deciding and t=she has a favorite, although there has to be some things sorted out first.
In other news for twilighters Taylor Launtners position as Jacob has been questioned. The new director doesn't think he is the right person but it is all sort out and stephenie meyer has announced they will be keeping taylor :)
Also, it's kind of old news but Robert Pattinson (Edward) and Kristen Stuart (Bella) were dating but Rob asked her to marry him and by the sources on youtube (interviews) Rob denied it then later on said he did ask her.....???? odd! But on another interview he said after her rejecting it he had to get use to stop introducing her as his fiance. so did she say yes than no? it's confusing.
I'm also excited because the next movie (New Moon) is supossed to come out on the 20th November this year! I hope thats around the world and not just America because my birthday is on the 26th and it would be awesome to have my party at the cimemas! with my luck it will probably come out after my birthday :( oh well atleast its this year i thought it would be some time late in 2010 cause it takes 2 years to make a movie but they must have started making the movie straight after twilight was finished :)
there's no news on Eclipse though. Rob said in an interview that they might but there's no guarantee, they just have to see what the first two turn out like, he doesn't think they are making breaking dawn :(
All i hope is that the werewolves look more like wolves than bears even if they are smaller than in the book. The ones from "Underworld" looked like deranged beard and the graphics were shit, especially in the first one! when they were running on the wall they looked like their feet were moving but they wern't it was really slow!
Thats about it.
Sophie :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I got bored yesterday so i decided to e-mail all the major movie producing companies and enlighten them on the idea of vampire academy as a movie. I can't remember all the studios i e-mailed but i couldn't find mount summit or dreamworks or disney. I found the dreamworks and disney website but it didn't have any contact details :(. What really upset me was that i couldn't even fing the mount summit website! I was really counting on them because they made the twilight movie so they might be interested in vampire academy. If anyone knows their e-mail or website it would be much appretiated!!! the e-mail went a little like this: well actually exactly like this:
My name is Sophie,I am one of the many fans for the vampire academy book series. On bahalf of the millions of fans around the world i would like to request that you consider making vampire academy a movie. It is written by Richelle Mead and there are three books in the series soon to be four in july and the last (fith) is coming out some time in 2010. It is set in the mind of a girl named rose she is a dhampir at vampire academy. Here is the blurb:
Lissa Dragomir is a Moroi princess: a mortal vampire with an unbreakable bond to the earth's magic. She must be protected at all times from Strigoi; the fiercest and most dangerous vampires--the ones who never die.The powerful blend of human and vampire blood that flows through Rose Hathaway, Lissa's best friend, makes her a Dhampir; she is dedicated to a dangerous life of protecting Lissa from the Strigoi, who are hell-bent on making her one of them.After two years of illicit freedom, Rose and Lissa are caught and dragged back to St. Vladimir's Academy, hidden in the deep forests of Montana. Rose will continue her Dhampir education. Lissa will go back to being Queen of the elite Moroi social scene. And both girls will resume breaking hearts.Fear made Lissa and Rose run away from St. Vladimir's--but their world is fr
Buy it!
Read an excerpt!
aught with danger both inside and out of the Academy's iron gates. Here, the cutthroat ranks of the Moroi perform unspeakable rituals and their secretive nature and love of the night creates an enigmatic world full of social complexities. Rose and
Lissa must navigate through
this dangerous world, confront the temptation of forbidden romance, and never once let their guard down, lest the Strigoi make Lissa one of them forever...

The author, Richelle, wants her books to become movies and is waiting around for an offer, unfortunately no one has pitched the idea to her so I thought i'de enlighten you on this book. I am a humongous fan of twilight but i must confess that this story is alot better. Twilight is original but Vampire Academy is by far the best and latest teen sci-fi fantasy totally different and a totally heart wrenching story, although the latest of her books shadow kiss is the favorite book voted by the fans so far. (Dimitri is caught in a fight between strigoi and moroi where he is captured and forcefully turned strigoi!!! Rose leaves the academy in search for dimitri so she can kill the strigoi) all the fans are continuously bugging Richelle everyday on her blog for updates, me included :)
To conclude i assure you that there are MILLIONS of fans to back you up if you consier the movie, maybe even more fans than twilight!
if you need anymore information about the books, the blurbs or reviews of the other books please feel free to message me back. You can also check out Richelle's website at for all her books and further contact details.

Thankyou for reading, hope you accept the offer,
Sophie :)

omg i couldn't beleive it! when i went to copy it from the e-mail i sent to put on here i didn't realise i copied the picture and those buy it links! along with the vamp academy blurb! oh well! i got a bit pushy too. well i hope it works!
theres not really much else to say...... yeh.
sophie :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm Back!!!

i went on holidays with my friend's family up the coast, (they had a caravan up there!), that was already worked out before my dog ran away, in fact i was packing when my brother ran up the stairs and told me all my dog was out running....
luckily he came home when i was up there!!! i could finally enjoy the beach!!
anyway back on the vampire academy topic.....
the cover was supposed to come out last week but it turns out it is coming a hard cover and its nearly finished! I'm glad because all my books have edge wear from reading them repeatedly! although the downside is it won't match the other books in the series... but i don't care as long as i have the book :)
i don't know if any of you read Richelle's journal but she had a competition a few days ago, she has a character in her book, she couldn't find the right name that matches it, so she named it Emily.... she said we could suggest some names and if she chooses yours she will send you something...... i wonder what? hmmm.
i sent in some names... Vashity, Sophie, Emilia, Zoe, etc. she hasn't decided yet but she has finished the complete draft and she said she would get back to us. imagine reading 350 comments with 1-30 names suggested in each.
now the draft is finished she said she would be able to come up with the description soon. the cover should be done before then but she will probably put it out the same time as the description so we will have to wait a few weeks :( its worth it though, i cant wait to see who or what is on the cover, plus reading the description could help me prove some of my theories...
when Richelle writes it on her journal page i will know it :)
next week (22nd January) i'm going to watch underworld 3 with all my buds! can't wait we're having a underworld movie marathon sleep-over (we're watching underworld 1&2) im so excited. if you haven't herd of it todays your lucky day! its about a long feud between vampires and lycrans (werewolves). a girl called selina (vampire warrior) falls in love wth a werewolf hybrid (half vamp half wolf) its aweome!
i'm getting back to reading, so far i'm up to the forth book in Shannon Drake's vampire series, it's really interesting, its like romance and horror its cool :)
sophie :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Can't Wait!!

Yay i finally got some comments!
by the way dannielle, thanks for that theory it does help, it could happen, anyway i can't wait, richelle said the cover will be done this month and the discription (aka blurb) will be done in the next month or so! the excerpt is aparently coming out a month before the book! its going to be big too! she's writting 6000 words a day!
i don't really have any more theories but if i do i'll be sure to write them..... i was kind of sad because richelle said that she already knows whats going to happen in the rest of her books, and she doesn't know if we would like it or not! that puts the idea into place that something bad might happen to dimitri or rose or one of her friends!
i don't know if i wrote this possibility on the previous blogs but rose might turn strigoi, its hard to believe but it could happen. i don't believe it myself but i'm just putting the idea out there, she and dimitri could save everyone if they have special strigoi senses and could defeat other threatning strigoi!
does anyone know what could happen about the blonde strigoi?
i already wrote some alternatives on my othe blogs but he seems really powerful in a way....
he clue on my blog (blood promise clue) was apparently something richelle thought was important to note, she was on holiday and was watching movies..... typical, nah really shes a deep, meanigful writer i don't know where i'de be without her books
atleast we got some theories out of it!
if you come up with anything pppllleeaaassseee write it in the comments.
danielle, sorry i spelt it wrong, had a good theory that rose could help dimitri like she promised in the caravan (she promised to help him through anything bad like ghosts!), write know in rose's head she wants to kill dimitri but when she sees him he might think otherwise and remember her promise!
im soooo excited about the description coming out in a month that im not thinking about what it might be about! it will probably say something like will rose kill dimitri or will rose follow her heart or her head? the only clues in it will be things that will alert us of further poblems like the blode strigoi or victor or the queen! anyway i've got to go!
my dog ran away yesterday (new years day) and we are putting up posters and earching for him, so far no luck!
from sophie :) (aka rose hathaway! jokes!)