Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm Back!!!

i went on holidays with my friend's family up the coast, (they had a caravan up there!), that was already worked out before my dog ran away, in fact i was packing when my brother ran up the stairs and told me all my dog was out running....
luckily he came home when i was up there!!! i could finally enjoy the beach!!
anyway back on the vampire academy topic.....
the cover was supposed to come out last week but it turns out it is coming a hard cover and its nearly finished! I'm glad because all my books have edge wear from reading them repeatedly! although the downside is it won't match the other books in the series... but i don't care as long as i have the book :)
i don't know if any of you read Richelle's journal but she had a competition a few days ago, she has a character in her book, she couldn't find the right name that matches it, so she named it Emily.... she said we could suggest some names and if she chooses yours she will send you something...... i wonder what? hmmm.
i sent in some names... Vashity, Sophie, Emilia, Zoe, etc. she hasn't decided yet but she has finished the complete draft and she said she would get back to us. imagine reading 350 comments with 1-30 names suggested in each.
now the draft is finished she said she would be able to come up with the description soon. the cover should be done before then but she will probably put it out the same time as the description so we will have to wait a few weeks :( its worth it though, i cant wait to see who or what is on the cover, plus reading the description could help me prove some of my theories...
when Richelle writes it on her journal page i will know it :)
next week (22nd January) i'm going to watch underworld 3 with all my buds! can't wait we're having a underworld movie marathon sleep-over (we're watching underworld 1&2) im so excited. if you haven't herd of it todays your lucky day! its about a long feud between vampires and lycrans (werewolves). a girl called selina (vampire warrior) falls in love wth a werewolf hybrid (half vamp half wolf) its aweome!
i'm getting back to reading, so far i'm up to the forth book in Shannon Drake's vampire series, it's really interesting, its like romance and horror its cool :)
sophie :)


  1. ohmigod i love the Underworld movies! they are so good! cannot WAIT to see the new one!

    And i just followed your blog, by the way! please check out MY blog. I just reviewed The first two Vampire Academy novels (those books are SO AMAZING/VAMPTASTIC/fantastic/crazy-making/scary-making/etc)!

    love the blog!

  2. have you read any fan-fic first chapter samples for Blood Promise? Some of them are pretty good, and others are ENTIRELY unrealistic.

    to read one I thought was all right click on this link:
