Monday, January 26, 2009

Latest goss :)

I haven't written in a while but I haven't really had much to say. Now i do! There's not much about Blood Promise just that it's finished which i think i already mentioned and the title and description (blurb) HAS to be coming out soon. The editor approved the book which means Richelle can start on the blurb, which will only take a little while since the story is fine. Richelle hasn't mentioned making a choice on the name of her character aka "Emily" but she said that she's in the final rounds of deciding and t=she has a favorite, although there has to be some things sorted out first.
In other news for twilighters Taylor Launtners position as Jacob has been questioned. The new director doesn't think he is the right person but it is all sort out and stephenie meyer has announced they will be keeping taylor :)
Also, it's kind of old news but Robert Pattinson (Edward) and Kristen Stuart (Bella) were dating but Rob asked her to marry him and by the sources on youtube (interviews) Rob denied it then later on said he did ask her.....???? odd! But on another interview he said after her rejecting it he had to get use to stop introducing her as his fiance. so did she say yes than no? it's confusing.
I'm also excited because the next movie (New Moon) is supossed to come out on the 20th November this year! I hope thats around the world and not just America because my birthday is on the 26th and it would be awesome to have my party at the cimemas! with my luck it will probably come out after my birthday :( oh well atleast its this year i thought it would be some time late in 2010 cause it takes 2 years to make a movie but they must have started making the movie straight after twilight was finished :)
there's no news on Eclipse though. Rob said in an interview that they might but there's no guarantee, they just have to see what the first two turn out like, he doesn't think they are making breaking dawn :(
All i hope is that the werewolves look more like wolves than bears even if they are smaller than in the book. The ones from "Underworld" looked like deranged beard and the graphics were shit, especially in the first one! when they were running on the wall they looked like their feet were moving but they wern't it was really slow!
Thats about it.
Sophie :)


  1. hi :)
    rob was only joking when he proposed lol
    he said that its an inside joke btw him and kristen so he didnt really explain it but in a interview i saw he was just kidding and hes NOT dating kristen :)

  2. Geez, you really like vampire fiction! Not that that's a bad thing:) lol
    I'm eagerly awaiting blood promise as well...
